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Here at Starscape we offer customers a personal service, making up fibre optic kits to suit their specific requirements. In the area of decking lighting this is particularly important since decking and paving projects vary so much that standard, off-the-shelf kits will rarely offer a value-for-money solution.

This nice project by Hamish and Janette M in Scotland is a case in point. The plan was for very extensive decking areas and the best solution was to come up with two separate fibre harnesses, serving different zones. One light source provided the illumination to a lower decking area running along the wall of the house, and a second unit served an upper decking area projecting out into the garden.

Hamish and Janette decided to spend a bit extra, selecting sheathed 1.5mm fibre rather than 1mm, to give the lighting a bit of a boost, and as the photos show, the investment has paid off handsomely. The light reflects off any glossy surfaces such as the ceramic planters and the varnished garden furniture, and there is even a colour wash effect on the stucco walls of the house.

Given the extent of the decking project, it made sense to divide it into two separate zones, each with its own 100 watt halogen light source. One of these was located within the house, while the other went into an IP enclosure beneath the decking.
The upper deck area seen looking towards and from the house, respectively. The 1.5mm optical fibres are bright enough to produce nice reflections from shiny surfaces such as the planters and varnished chairs, and also to create something of a colour wash effect on the stucco wall of the house. The light source is a 100 watt halogen unit.

The fibres have no end fittings, but are simply cut flush with the top surface of the decking and so are all but invisible during the day. The light sources have been fitted with the colour wheels which are supplied with them as standard, but if Hamish and Janette tire of the colours they can always switch to the twinkle wheel for a few months and have twinkling white lights for a change.

“We are delighted with the outcome,” Hamish told us, and we can see why. This is a very nicely executed decking project.